Monday, October 5, 2009

Quick funny anecdote

I went to Dachau today, and I have to confess that I am a little shaken up. I'll write about it in the next couple of days, if only for my own catharsis. However, I want to share the story that bounced me back a little.

Coming back on the bus from the camp I was in sort of a trance. I wandered around Munich, took some pictures, and I couldn't shake this feeling of weight in the air all around me. I was pretty melancholy and was very inattentive to the world around. Pulling my trusty ipod I decided to play some songs with a little pep, in hopes that the music could direct my mood into less dark recesses.

It worked, in short, I was sitting at a fountain near yet another giant old Church and apparently started singing along with Janis Joplin listening to "Me and Bobb Mcghee". I had the volume all the way up, and I realize now that I could hear myself through my headphones and the music and so I was singing pretty damn loud. I did not realize what I was doing until a nice Asian tourist couple walked over to me and dropped a 1 euro coin at my feet!

I stopped suddenly, of course, I stared at the coin and I realized what had happened and laughed hysterically. I think I made them nervous, they walked away quickly. I looked around and people were staring, and smiling, and also laughing.


Anyway. I feel better now.


  1. That is awesome! I always think I'm going to break out and start singing while I'm on the bus. I actually have to restrain myself and get a little paranoid because of it. This makes me happy!
